Stalk marker light
LD 2622/GRAPHITE/5M is an orange and red marker light on a short arm. The product is universal in terms of mounting options. It can be fitted on either the left or the right side of a vehicle. Designed for use from small trailers to trucks and semi-trailers.
The light from the GRAPHITE collection features a sleek, dark shade, combining modern design with functionality for excellent visibility.
Operating at a universal voltage of 12/24 V , the light is characterised by low energy consumption. The light has been manufactured only with branded LEDs, which ensure a unique quality of illumination and add a visual appeal to the contour of a vehicle in motion. The high IP 68 rating and the operating temperature range of – 30 degrees C to + 50 degrees C make it a top quality product.
Make sure you stay safe on the road! Discover our collection of GRAPHITE lights, a stylish solution for the automotive industry.